Jawaharlal Nehru Aluminium Research Development and Design Centre (JNARDDC), Nagpur, is a Central Government Autonomous Body under Ministry of Mines. This “Centre of Excellence” was set up in 1989 with a view to provide major R&D support system for the emerging modern aluminium industry in India.
JNARDDC is an ISO/IEC-17025:2017 & ISO-17034:2016 NABL accredited lab and is also recognized as a scientific & industrial research organization by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It is the only institute of its kind in India pursuing the cause of R&D from bauxite to finished product under one roof.
The objective of the Centre is to assimilate the technology available in the country and abroad for the production of alumina, aluminium, aluminium alloys as well as to develop technical know-how for the basic engineering process and downstream areas. Centre provides training to the personnel employed in the Indian aluminium industries. The new objective to promote and develop recycling industry and transition to a circular economy in Non-Ferrous Metal Sector has been added.
JNARDDC has made key contributions in the areas of beneficiation, characterization, technological evaluation, upgradation of bauxites, Bayer process modeling, reduction of energy consumption and environmental pollution in smelter, development of alloys, product development, effective utilization of aluminium industry residue such as red mud, dross, spent pot lining and scrap for both primary and secondary industry. The annual reports are available at http://www.jnarddc.gov.in/en/rti/rti_annual_report.aspx